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I always like it when others work as late as me :)

> Phil,
> I'd like to understand how Designer corrupts your file on save.  Are you
> saying that it crashes whilst saving the file and truncates the result or
> that the middle of the file is somehow "damaged"?

What it did was change this:

     A            TRNOCY    R        O    64REFFLD(OAREC/OAOOCY ORDR)

to this

     A            TRNOCY    R        O    64REFFLD(ORDR OAOOCY)

which won't work, obviously.  I found out when I opened it back up in
designer and it couldn't find the fields so it had one position with a red
line around it.  It happened to about a dozen fields.   (BTW, I just opened
the same file and none of the referenced fields were resolved.  What causes
that?  The code itself looks fine.  It spent 2 minutes loading the dds

> Sounds like you should turn on the auto-checkpoint stuff or do a
> "File->Make_Checkpoint" (Ctrl-M)...

I do this, and I've recovered with it.

> I suspect that you don't see the save dialogue when saving locally as the
> save is likely complete before the dialogue is ready to come up.

The box "generating DDS source" comes up.  Sometimes it doesn't count down -
sits forever at 00:00.  I click cancel, and hope all is ok.

> Internally Designer doesn't keep your source as source but rather as a
> huge data structure.  Writing out the "source" means converting this data
> structure into DDS, there is no checking done or req'd.
> Phil, as always, if you can send me a source file that causes Designer to
> crash or tell me an _exact_ and reproducible sequence of steps to follow
> that cause a crash then I'll track down that bug and squash it

exact and reproducible?!  I'm sure those bugs have been found already.  I
would definately do this if I could reproduce it myself!  It usually happens
when a deadline is near, and/or after I've made alot of changes, and always
when I least expect it.  If that's any help!


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