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After looking at the ILE concepts manual and reviewing what you two wrote
have on more question.......

What I've done is set up ProgC to use a special named activation
group--something such as 'CELINAUTIL'. Then when I know I've
any calls to it--such as when you do the STOP RUN in ProgA--I
reclaim the
activation group.

About the _only_ mix I would even think about risking is the simple
one you describe where OPM calls ILE and ILE returns to OPM.
Preferably no files in the ILE code, and it is deactivated by calling
RCLACTGRP from OPM when you are done.
Jon Paris

You talk about the running the RCLACTGRP to deactivate a Name Activation
group I might create called 'CELINAUTIL'. If I am calling the subprogram
with 'CELINAUTIL' and I use GOBACK to return from it since it will be a
HARD Boundry (nearest control boundary is the oldest call stack entry in an
ILE activation group) won't it Reclaim all the Resources without doing
RCLACTGRP? I go to wrkactjob and look at Call stack and open files if I
see everything is gone their for an Activation Group does that mean it is
"De-Activated" or is there more behind the scenes I am not privilege to?

Jeff Buening

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