Wow, found this (
"If an I⁄O operation on a record is successful and a duplicate key value is found in that record, the dup_key flag in the _RIOFB_T structure is set."
But how to understand that my I/O operation on a record is _un_successful because of duplicate keys? In RPGLE, we can monitor 01021 exceptions on WRITE statements. But what about C?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject : [C400-L] _Rwrite and _RIOFB_T->dup_key
From : Alexei Baranov alexei.baranov@xxxxxxxxxx
To : C400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc :
Date : Friday, December 13, 2024 15:31
Hello everyone!
I encountered a problem - the _Rwrite does not set the dup_key in _RIOFB_T, when writing a duplicate unique value to unique keyed file.
Tried on several servers, same result everywhere. Has anyone encountered something similar?
My code is simple:
#include <recio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
void main(void) {
char buffer[9999];
_RFILE *file1 = _Ropen("<some file keyed with UNIQUE=Yes>", "rr+,dupkey=Y");
_RFILE *file2 = _Ropen("<same file as here ^>", "rr+,dupkey=Y");
_RIOFB_T *fb;
fb = _Rreadf(file1, buffer, file1->buf_length, __NO_LOCK);
fb = _Rwrite(file2, buffer, file2->buf_length);
// Joblog says "Duplicate key on access path"
// fb->num_bytes==0
// BUT: fb->dup_key==0!
// Where I'm wrong?????
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