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Unfortunately I have no 6.1/7.1 system on which to try this.

Having said that, when the compiler complains that some prototype is not
found, but you find that same proto in a #include file, then one of two
things is happing:

The #include file is not being included (due to compiler directives #if,
#else) or (more likely) the section of the #include file that contains your
proto is not being included, due to compiler directives.

I would have a closer look at stdlib.h and see what flags are involved in
the omission of that proto.

Dennis Lovelady
"An autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about its writer except his
-- Franklin P. Jones

I've used the 6.1 support for Decimal Floating Point here and there a
year or so but I haven't had any problems until I tried using the
strtod functions today.
When I try to create a C module I get a warning that there's no
prototype for strtod64 even though stdlib.h is included and the parms
are correct. I've also grepped that the prototype is in stdlib:

grep strtod64 /qsys.lib/qsysinc.lib/h.file/stdlib.MBR
_Decimal64 strtod64 ( const char *, char ** );

Basically, I've reduced and reduced my code until it's on the level of
the example in the manual but it still does not work. So I have this:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* stuff */
char *dfpstring = "3.1415926This stopped it";
char *stopstring;
_Decimal64 dfp;

dfp = strtod64(dfpstring, &stopstring);
printf(" strtod = %Df\n", dfp); /* produces rubbish as the function is
not found */

I'm not using any particular compiler options, I've tried using both
ixlc -c and CRTCMOD as well as strtod128. Anyone have any idea what's
going on?

Best wishes,
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