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I am attempting to compile a C++ module (on a V5R3 box)
with the source code in the IFS. According to the "ILE C/C++ Programmers' Guide" (Version 5; SC09-2712-05) an include directory can be specified using INCDIR (Include Directory) command parameter or INCLUDE environment variable.

The problem is:
1. when I specify the include directory in the INCDIR parameter the module is created; no problem;
2. when I specify the include directory using the INCLUDE environment variable the compilation fails;

Compilation (environment/command/error):

0. IFS directory structure:


1. The INCLUDE environment variable:

INCLUDE './include'

I have tried to specify the full (absolute) path name but it fails also.

2. The current directory:

3. The compilation command:
CRTCPPMOD MODULE(my_lib/mod_name)

4. The compilation error:

"syscsrc/mod_name.cpp", line 10.10: CZP0836(30) The #include file
"syscinc/sys006i.hpp" is not found.

Of course the file sys006i.hpp exists in syscinc directory, and as I have already mentioned when the compilation is performed using INCDIR instead of INCLUDE everything works perfectly.

It is really very important for me to be able to create the module using INCLUDE env. variable. (The compilation process is the part of the source management system functionality and using INCLUDE env. variable would give the whole solution the required flexibility. But it does not work!!!)

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


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