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On 14/06/2008, at 12:00 AM, Jevgeni Astanovski wrote:

C is very user friendly. Simply keep it simple.

Very few people would agree with C being friendly. It has too many areas that bite unexpectedly even when keeping things simple. Classic example is: if ( a = b )

Why cannot you write:

decimal(15,0) logECD_STP3(char *moduleName, char *locationID, char *logMessage, const int *byteRcv, const char *dataRcv)

which is exactly the same as yours, but without all these typedefs.
Doesn't it look more simple and readable?

It does from a C programmer's perspective. The problem is that char* implies a null-terminated string and Lim really wants to pass fixed- length character variables.

By using typedefs he forces the C programmer to at least be aware that passing "XYZ" into a CHAR(10) will cause problems. What is expected is at least "XYZ " with blank padding.

I know nothing about RPG, but from what I read there in your letter, it seems, that byteRcv must not be passed as pointer but rather as value....

No, passing a variable by reference is the same as passing a pointer by value. C makes you think about pointers. RPG handles the mess under the covers so you can simply think about data. In both case the address of the data is being passed and received.

Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists

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