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I changed the includes to the following;

#include <vector.std>
#include <list.std>
#include <string.std>

this picked the includes in the qsysinc/std file

and it compiled just fine..   Oh BTW I am on V5R3.

Bryan Dietz

Aktion Associates

c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 08/10/2004 10:02:11 AM:

-> ok.  I have found the problem!  Can someone verify the following?:
-> compile the following code:
-> #include <vector>
-> #include <list>
-> #include <string>
-> // ------------------- Dummy2 -------
-> void Dummy2( unsigned char* pBytes )
->  {
->    short  nLx ;
->    nLx = 5 ;
->  }
-> When I compile using the following command, the code compiles:
-> But when I add "option(*print)" to the CRTCPPMOD command, the compile
-> CZS0613 - the compilation failed.
-> And for some odd buggy reason, when I remove the
->  #include <string>
-> from the source, the code compiles whether output(*print) is used or
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On
-> Behalf Of Elvis Budimlic
-> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:18 PM
-> To: 'C programming iSeries / AS400'
-> Subject: RE: [C400-L] compile listing does not show errors
-> Can't recall exactly what the search path algorithm is for the
#includes, so
-> what I do is help the compiler find the parts by telling it which file
-> look at.
-> So instead of #include <string>, I'd say #include <string.h> where H is
-> source physical file located in QSYSINC, which is always in the *LIBL
-> (library list).
-> You can also use fully qualified include names, but then your code would
-> as400 specific (i.e. #include <QSYSINC/H/STRING>).
-> Hope that helps.
-> Elvis
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
-> Behalf Of Steve Richter
-> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 9:00 AM
-> To: C programming iSeries / AS400
-> Subject: RE: [C400-L] compile listing does not show errors
-> thanks Terry.  I still dont see the error messages.
-> What is nuts about this is that the following code compiles when I
-> out the "#include <string>" statement.
-> But it is not just using the STL string class.  If I intentionally add a
-> stmt that will make the compile fail, the error is not listed ( or in
-> joblog ).
-> #include <stdio.h>
-> #include <errno.h>
-> #include <vector>
-> #include <list>
-> #include <string>
-> // ------------------ EntryProc ----------------
-> void EntryProc( )
->  {
->  return ;
->  }
-> // ------------------- Dummy2 ------------------
-> void Dummy2( unsigned char* pBytes )
->  {
->    short  nLx ;
->    nLx = 5 ;
->  }
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:c400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On
-> Behalf Of Terrence Enger
-> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 9:25 AM
-> To: C programming iSeries / AS400
-> Subject: Re: [C400-L] compile listing does not show errors
-> Steve,
-> I think that you want OPTION(*NOLOGMSG) to make diagnostics go to the
-> compile listing rather than the joblog.
-> Terry.
-> Available for contract programming.
-> At 09:02 2004-08-09 -0400, you wrote:
-> >I am getting a compile error.  The job log says to check the compile
-> >listing. The compile listing is simply a 2 page stub.   How do I get
-> c++
-> >compiler to print the full compile listing and show the error messages?
-> >
-> >here is my CRTCPPMOD command:
-> >
-> >              SRCFILE(%SST(&SRCFILE 11 +
-> >              10)/%SST(&SRCFILE 1 10)) SRCMBR(*MODULE) +
-> >              OUTPUT(*print) OPTION(*FULL) DBGVIEW(*ALL)
-> >
-> >thanks,
-> >
-> >-Steve
-> >
-> >
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