Some of this may be dependent on version of BPCS, tailoring which has been
done for inventory effects, and how stuff is to flow into journals.
We have a GL Detail report for auditors, which include internal and
external, IRS auditors, and others, and which is also used by managers who
are not familiar with all BPCS control #s like customer #s vendor #s etc.
Where such #s show up in GL Journal, we can recognize which GL Reference
fields they are showing up in, with which GL Journal entries, and in our
modification, use those control #s to look up the corresponding master
files, to get textual clarification for auditors etc.
In 405CD, the contents of the reference fields tie back to customer #,
vendor #, invoice #, order #, depending on the type of journal entry, and
how much detail is being captured, in which for different journal prefixes,
from different source files, the same fields can have different contents,
just like ITH inventory history has fields with different contents,
depending on transaction code.
Shipments get a "B" transaction in ITH, which we send to SH journal.
GJD Description Field has B a few spaces then item # which was shipped.
GJD Reference-1 Field has Customer # to which the shipment was made.
GJD Reference-2 Field has Customer Order # from which the shipment was made.
In our GL detail report for auditors, we have an added column, where
customer # is used to look up and add customer name.
We are sending receiving "U" transactions to a UP journal.
GJD Description Field has U a few spaces then item # which was received.
GJD Reference-1 Field has Vendor # from which we received this.
GJD Reference-2 Field has Purchase Order # involved in this.
There is a reason code field associated with returns to vendor, for what
In our GL detail report for auditors, we have an added column, where vendor
# is used to look up and add vendor name.
The description field - ITH transaction then spaces then what item #.
That's pretty much a standard for all inventory transactions into GL, where
we capture detail to GL, so capability exists on other transactions, where
we capture detail, to get additional reference info on item # involved, into
our GL detail report for auditors. We have not yet done so. Modifications
have been driven by noticing scenarios where the auditors have great
interest in back tracing stuff they see on GL reports. Well that data is in
BPCS, the computer can do that for you.
There is a reason code field in GL.
For ITH transactions detailed into GL, as opposed to summarized, we see 2
characters for the inventory transaction code then 2 characters for the
reason code associated with the individual transaction.
Miscellaneous Inventory uses "A" transaction in ITH, which we send to AJ
journal. Our reason codes show up there, such as CC for how we do cycle
We also have a special adjustment for inventory transfers with other
divisions of the conglomerate which are not on BPCS, where the reason code
identifies which division.
Capability exists, although we have not yet done so, to look up the reason
code reference file to get corresponding text associated with reason code,
and stick that into an empty column for the GL detail report for auditors.
GJD has a Ref Doc field. On summary into GL it identifies the source ITH
transaction type.
We are currently capturing billing invoicing in detail "BL" journal.
The Ref Doc field has several values, including invoice, which we look up to
extract more info for our GL Detail for auditors, populating some columns
which are blank, based on GL journal.
Another division of the conglomerate is now handling payables, but when we
were doing that internally, we had tracking similar to the "BL" logic going
on, noticing which GL reference fields were populated with which AP control
fields, then extracting additional info for the GL Detail report for
Al Mac
Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.
-----Original Message-----
From: bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpcs-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Rajesh.Kamath
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 3:51 AM
To: 'BPCS ERP System'
Subject: [BPCS-L] Key field between subsystem & GL system
What is the key field between Sub system and general ledger system in BPCS
For example APH or APL to GHH/GLH files
Thanks & Regards
K.Rajesh Kamath | Functional Consultant-BPCS | M: +91-9448309064
ITTI Pvt. Ltd. | Santosh Complex, Armugam Circle | Basavanagudi | Bangalore-
560 004 | INDIA
T: +91-80-4110 2525 (Ext. 105) | F: +91-80-4110 2571 |
<> ERP |
<> Application Development &
Maintenance | <> Infrastructure Management
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