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Complex queries have some limitations. They grab all possible combinations
of records, which with files like ITH and ILI could be astronomical, then
they apply the selection criteria, so this should go via WRKQRY 8 JOBQ not
on-line. Rounding can also be a hassle in query, so take any math to an
extra decimal place. Other lists than BPCS-L may be good for query tips in

In query-1
Your work file should include the IIM last activity date, which is more
reliable than you would find in inventory files, unless you are using
MINIMUM (oldest) MAXIMUM (latest) on totals-only of ITH into work file 1.

You may want to match
warehouse ILI and ITH;
class IIM and CIC;

Carefully consider any other fields in ILI to minimize excess matches.
A problem is that ILI can have multiple records on same item warehouse, for
each of multiple locations. Depending on your needs, you may be better off
substituting IWI for ILI.

Basically, we can think of ILI and ITH as being "detail files" where IIM is
a master file. If there are multiple records in ILI and ITH that meet the
selection criteria, ALL of the possible permutation matches will be sucked
into the query, giving you excess potential records in work file 1.

Al Mac

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