× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

We are version 6.0.04; heavily modified.

We are currently looking at using the fixed asset's module. Can anyone give me 
a temperature for how stable the code is, how well it worked, how many mods 
were done to make it work?


I have included what I found in the archives for my purposes.

From: Dennis Munro [SMTP:DMunro@badgerminingcorp.com]
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 1999 3:37 PM
 To: 'BPCS Users'
 Subject: Fixed Assets

We have version 6.0.02, full C/S, PLf, Mar'98 cum. I am working on Fixed Assets 
and noticed a file called QATJ whose  description says it is a join logical but 
whose attributes  are a physical  file because there is no data in the file.

 It has all the fields I need but the source is not to be found. I could key 
all the fields from a DSPFFD listing but it's Friday & I am  looking for an  
easy way out. Does somebody know where the field  descriptions might be  

 Dennis Munro
 Badger Mining Corporation


This may be a little late, given your deadlines. If you have DBU, it has an 
export fields function. It creates the DDS from any existing file. Bring up the 
file in DBU, F4 then F9

Hope it helps

Ardi Batmanghelidj
Data By Design, Inc.
Sudbury MA
978 443 1304


I am also from Badger Mining and am responsible for the BPCS Applications, 
particularly from a financial perspective. We are currently entering all of our 
new fixed assets for the fiscal year and closing each of the periods to create 
the journal entries. (We got behind for a variety of reasons related to our 
implementation and are playing catch up.) It seems to be going fairly well but 
your message kind of got the little hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I 
wonder if we're missing anything.

One issue I do have is that CLD720 puts 01FA as the event name on all of the 
GBH records. I think its probably a concatenation of our company number and the 
program name. We haven't been able to figure out yet how this is happening. I 
am overriding this event name in CLD500 to force it to match the reason code 
before running CLD501.

I do know that we couldn't create a period master for fiscal 2000 until we got 
a BMR couple of months ago. We also had a quarter in the tax calendar for 
01/01/1900 through 03/31/2000 until that BMR was installed.

We end our fiscal year on March 31 and will be running the year end Fixed Asset 
jobs for the first time shortly after that.

If you have other information that could prevent us from encountering another 
major disaster at year end I would appreciate it. Support from SSA for Fixed 
Assets is pretty non-existent.

Martha Bayer

 -----Original Message-----
 From: maseaton@earthlink.net [SMTP:maseaton@earthlink.net]
 Sent: Sunday, March 28, 1999 10:17 AM
 To: 'BPCS-L@midrange.com'
 Subject: RE: Fixed Assets

 I assume you have brought in many BMRs since the March cum. My experience  
with the 6.02 version of fixed assets was that there were many bugs, some  
programs did not run correctly, and some journal entries were not properly  
created. If you need any specifics on these you can let me know and I  will 
relay these to you based on my experience.

 Mark Seaton

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