× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Great article Nathan. Points you bring out that, to me, are important for us RPG programmers to grapple with, understand, recognize, and accept include:

* most everything we do in life is event-driven. Today's programming
follows that model. The days of the 5250 screen with gobs of fields
to be filled in by skilled keyboarders, and then punctuated with the
Enter key are disappearing. Keystroke by keystroke response is the
norm today.
* Much of our data is static. Not all of it of course, but much of it
changes very seldom.
* Not every application needs to be designed with millions of highly
volatile entries in mind.
* every effort made to reduce keystrokes also reduces errors and
training time. Drop down boxes, auto-fill, and cached entries are
worth the effort.

Let me see if I can repeat back to you the major flow points you are describing:

* There exists a file named "locations.json" which resides in the
iSeries IFS and has a static list of only the school system names.
* That list is served up by an Apache server that you created.
(Probably named RDWEB? or INFO?)
* A user clicking a name in the dropdown list sends a request to the
Apache server which in turn runs a loop that sends a request to the
iSeries regular database asking for all the addresses that go with
the requested name. Those addresses are returned to the user in a

On 11/21/2016 11:49 AM, Nathan Andelin wrote:
This piece shows and explains a simple application which delves into the
shift from the traditional display-file paradigm to the client-server
paradigm, and delineates benefits for end-users.


Nice reading for Thanksgiving.

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