× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


just to add som disadvantages to 2)

a. If the previuous CGI program in the QZSRCGI job call has active
(service) programs or open files to change the LIBL
setting a new LIBL are a shaky business.

b. Perfomance will go down.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Scott Klement <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


You should not change the job description of IBM jobs such as QZHBHTTP.
This can result in "unpredictable results" down the road.

For the IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache), there's really two ways to
deal with library lists:

1) Set QIBM_CGI_LIBRARY_LIST in your httpd.conf file. You can have several
different library lists this way by setting this differently in different
<Directory>, <Location>, etc containers.

Advantage: Very easy to code, HTTP server does the work for you.

Disadvantage: Although you can set up a bunch of nice library lists this
way, anytime you need to add more or change the ones you've got, you have
to restart the HTTP server.

2) Have the HTTP server launch a "routing" program that sets the library
list before calling the application.

Advantage: Very versatile, you can use any logic you wish in the routing
program to set up the library list any way that's needed. You can
dynamically change the library list as much as you want without any need to
stop/start the server.

Disadvantage: You have to code the routing program to make it work. You
also have to be careful to set the library list back to the way Apache had
things after the call is done so that it doesn't interfere with future


On 3/11/2016 9:47 PM, Vicki Wilson wrote:

Click. The light bulb finally went off on the drive home from work.
This is actually a set of two programs. A header and a detail. The only
service program reference is the detail program.When the header is first
call and I sign-in a CGI job is established with my user and I can see that
the library list has changed for that job. Then a header record is picked
and the detail program is called. Again if any library list changes are
triggered they happen here.I have a jquery dialog box as a form. The two
ajax calls happen when the user tabs out of the field.
I think the first ajax call is likely processed by my original job. And
the second is probably initiating a new job. And the new job would not
have had the library list set.

Re-reading Brad's response I think he explained that. But besides being
frustrated with the problem I haven't had to pay much attention to the
apache jobs.

I've been doing web work regularly for a few years but just did basic
stuff. I thought I had the whole statelessness thing worked out - but
clearly not. I'm stepping up the game with lots of javascript/jquery/ajax
and having fun with it.

Now I'm wondering how to handle this - insight on QZHBHTTP would be
helpful. Will have to test changes on Monday. Also wondering if the
*DEFER that Charles mentioned will work. Or...
Thanks again Brad - your explanation was good I just needed to step away
from the problem.


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