× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks Brad, that IS a good thing to know.

Cookies - I've just getting into web rpg and haaaven't really gotten
that far yet.

Currently I'm setting this up with an eye to what Mel Rothman outlined
in a post awhile back to Mike Skvarenina - using a user space per
request and passing the randomly generated name of the user space as a
hidden field on the html forms.

I've fumbled into a solution for my <snip> below that so far seems to

I populate the browser user space created by pgm1.pgm with the name of
pgm1 from the psds. Then, when the browser is popped with the login,
and successfully logged in, I check the user space field
'DestinationPgm' to see if the is populated and if it is, I call pgm1
from login, passing it the query string containing the user space name,
ie ?SpcName=ABCDEFGHIJ. Now, pgm1 'knows' the browser/user is logged

Anyway, it works for my first 2 programs, login and pgm1.

Of course... it won't work correctly for anything but rpg generated html
so, sooner or later, I'll need a new scheme.

Thanks to you and Nathan for answering.

John B.

This env. var depends on the headers of the HTTP request, so I wouldn't
on it.

I would use a session cookie to see if the user is logged in or not.
means adding a little routine to the beginning of every program in your
application so that if the user isn't logged in you redirect them to
login page.

It's not that painful if implemented correctly. :)

Bradley V. Stone
BVSTools - www.bvstools.com
eRPG SDK - www.erpgsdk.com


What I'd like to do is, if a request comes in to pgm1.pgm and that
browser/user isn't logged in, I'd like to pop the login.pgm, make
login, and once they are logged in, direct them to where they were
heading. Ie; pgm1.pgm. I'd like to do this program-atically in my


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