× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Our entire site is a mix of some in source files and some in IFS and it's
never made a difference

On 8/14/07, jlowary@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <jlowary@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well it just keeps getting better and better!!

I have tried several things this morning, even paring down the file to 101
records and no success. Then I found that if I move my Marco source from
the IFS to a source file in a iSeries library; my SQL will display all
the records (I have to hard code some things and comment out some more
because of paths not being found getting to the images, and includes that
were on the IFS, but the core of the thing works!

So why would this work out of a source file but not out of the IFS? (BTW:
my SHOWSQL still does not work, but now I don't need it!)

Is there something different in how the SQL is executed from the IFS as
apposed to coming from the source file?

Or does this boil down to an IBM problem/question ie: maybe missing PTF
for the IFS or some setting somewhere?

I'm sure lost! Especially since IBM suggests things be move to the IFS,
so they don't have to be translated from EBCDIC to ASCII.

Jim Lowary
System Analyst, Salton Inc.
(573) 447-5500
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