× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I've tried the code below, and it formats fine. I get the outline.

However; if I use the following inside the select statement...

exec sql
FROM demo_table
WHEN gpieff < gpican THEN gpieff
ELSE gpican

The parser fails.

Please open a support case so we can get an APAR for this. We have opened a Jira along with the failing example.

As a work around, you can create a field called inRange, assign it the complex date range and use the when inRange. The code will properly format then.


dcl-s inRange ind;

inRange = %date in %range(gpieff:gpican)
or (%date >= gpieff and gpican = *loval);

when inRange;
exec sql
FROM demo_table
WHEN gpieff < gpican THEN gpieff
ELSE gpican

Steve Ferrell
Principal Software Engineer Lead RDi
Fortra, the new face of HelpSystems

Here's the current code:
when %date in %range(gpieff:gpican) //Between effective
and cancel
or (%date >= gpieff and gpican = *loval); //Past effective, no
cancel (perpetual)
//Currently effective (make row pink)

when %date < gpieff; //Effective in the
//Not effective yet (make row blue)

other; //Everything else
//Expired (no color/stay green)


Using this logic with a tweak and an ORDER BY CASE construct, you can push all your effective transactions to the beginning of the data. Many customers like having current data at the beginning of the subfile.

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