× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


we're on RDi 9.6 right now, and we're making intensive use of the Code Snippets feature. We have standardized program headers and re-occurring standard procedures where we are replacing table and data structure names with those "&{something}" replacement variables. We also distribute those Snippets over our development server to all RDi users.

Now with RDi 9.8 the Snippets view is gone - we can get it back by installing "Web Development Tools" from the Eclipse Marketplace - but we cannot use the automatic distribution feature anymore, because Snippets are exported in 9.8 - and if we export with 9.6, they aren't imported in 9.8.

So what now? Is there a good replacement? We aren't "Snippets addicted" but we really need something like that, if Snippets aren't supported by RDi anymore.

So what are we looking for:

- should work easily with RDi (LPEX)
- should support RPGLE, DDS, DDL maybe CL
- central "code snippet" repository - maybe GitHub?
(We're already hosting a private GitHub instance)
- replacement variables (at least)
- maybe some kind of light scripting?
- or conditional insert (like /if defined ...)

Any ideas?


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