× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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I'm looking for a free 3rd party source code/SQL formatter I can plug into
RDi. The built-in hasn't worked well or consistently for years and I'm on I guess cleaning this up isn't a high priority for the RDi team.

The SQL formatting drives me bonkers. I frequently get "Could not indent
source beyond end column limit 80" messages. In addition, blank lines are
often deleted and the casing of structured opcodes usually goes to ALL
UPPER if the preceding SQL statement is malformed. The SQL formatter in
iACS is pretty good but then there's no RPG support; why not port that code?

I can take a few days and write one myself but, like everybody else, I have
other things to do. But it would be fun, so I better stop talking about
doing it before it becomes too enticing.


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