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So, I got myself a brand new MacBook Pro M1. I read the horror stories about RDi on MacOs on <https://community.ibm.com/community/user/power/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=d7a97382-7e33-4d57-b53a-97174761546f>, but I understood that there was, based on Eric Simpson’s description, a narrow path that led to installation.

First: Install Java. After reading some not very clear instructions and performing some black magic in Terminal I succeeded.

Second: Install Access Client Solutions. Although there appears to be a separate download for MacOs, it is not mentioned in the instructions and seems to not do very much. So I downloaded the zip-file instead, found that it was automatically unpacked, tried to run the install script and got only error messages. Eventually I found that I could actually start ACS by starting ‘acslaunch’. Not pretty, but I got it working.

Third: Install Installation Manager according to Eric’s instructions. Eric mentions version, but following his instructions I got 1.9.2. But Userinst.app would not run.

In the mean time I read about removing extended attributes with ‘xattr -c’ and Safari’s defaults for ‘safe files’. So I switched off automatic unpacking and had another go.

ACS take 2: dowloaded the zip, removed extended attributes, unpacked the file and ran the installation script. This time everything went smooth and I now have a normal installation of ACS.

Installation Manager take 2: downloaded the zip, removed extended attributes, unpacked the file and tried to run Userinst.app. No go: ‘App Userinst cannot be opened’ (in Dutch).

So I have a few questions:
- Was Eric’s description only valid for Big Sur and is the narrow path blocked by Monterey?
- Or did something change in Installation Manager version 1.9.2?
- Does this mean there is no way to install RDi on Monterey?

And additionally:
- Is there an APAR for this situation?

Joep Beckeringh
Pantheon Automatisering B.V.

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