× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

A very helpful clarification, Edmund. Thank you for the reassurance that Authorised Users are not charged $1180 every year, (despite what the website suggests).

BTW, I assume the SWMA is $200/year, (not $20 - which would be a very attractive proposition!).


On 30/10/2020 06:17, Edmund Reinhardt wrote:
Just a note of clarification.
There are 3 types of licenses.
The most common and useful is Authorized User which is the $1180 up front
and 20$ SWMA for a named user to use on any number of devices
There is also floating licenses which is concurrent access to an instance
of the product, more expensive and might make sense if you have concurrent
users around the world or a large number who only use it some of the time
Finally there is this one year license for $980.  This is only useful for
a one shot deal and I wish it would go away because it causes so much
confusion.  Unfortunately the web site sorts the cheapest as the default
option to present but it is not the most economical.
I am raising this up with our product offering team again.

Edmund Reinhardt
IBM Canada Ltd Rational Developer for i Access Client Solutions
[1]https://www.linkedin.com/in/edmundreinhardt/ [2]http://ibm.biz/rdi_hub [3]http://ibm.biz/IBMi_ACS

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