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My RDi on my MacBook Pro was screwed up, so I decided to completely reinstall it.  I uninstalled RDi with the IBM Installation Manager, then I deleted the whole /Applications/ibm directory to make sure I had everything completely cleared out.

Now I'm trying to reinstall.   Why is this so hard?!

I downloaded the IBM Installation Manager, and of course that initially wouldn't run because it was untrusted from the internet and all that good stuff, so I found the IBM note about how to fix it and got past that.  Frustrating, but I figured it out.

Next I started it up and installed the Installation Manager succesfully.

Then, re-ran IM and added the respository for RDi 9.6, and started the RDi install.   It ends with "The packages are installed with warnings", and "Eclipse initialize returned with error status=1".   I clicked "View Log".

The log shows "Reason: Bad Request (400)", followed by "Unable to complete http conversation https://www.ibm.com/software/respositorymanager/action/notifyInstallComplete";. This is followed by a number of warning messages about initialize failing and launcher not found.

I've tried it several times, always seem to get this error.

I can't understand why this is so hard.  I shouldn't have to download a zip file, use xattr to modify the zip file so that the Mac will allow me to install it, manually run the installer, manually add a repo, then after all of that have it fail.  Any other software on the planet is 100 times easier to install and doesn't require all of these extra, complicated steps.  Why is RDi so difficult?

And, why is it failing with Bad Request.   This looks a lot like an HTTP 400 Bad Request error, which would imply that the tool isn't generate the HTTP request in a valid way...    why on earth would that happen?

Anyway, if you have any suggestions for how I can fix this, please let me know.

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