× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Justin,

The replacement variables make no sense. Did you install 2.5.0.b001 and
now see the replacement variables??? Hard to believe.

I just uploaded 2.5.0.b002 that fixes the missing sending program name
and the missing receiving program instruction number. The
com.ibm.as400.access.QueuedMessage API of the Java Toolbox is a mess.

Now I see the following messages in the "Commands Log" view:

/* [2019-04-01, 20:05:06] Result of iRPGUnit Test Case:
RPGUNIT/RUPLUGINT7.SRVPGM, served by server job: 181404/QUSER/QZRCSRVS */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QSYS/QWCRTVCA.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QGY/QGYGTLE.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QSYS/QWCRTVCA.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QGY/QGYCLST.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QSYS/QWCRTVCA.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program RPGUNIT/RUPGMRMT.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPI2121 (*INFO): Replaced object RUPROCLIST type *USRSPC was moved to
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object &1 type *&4 from the &2 library was
renamed to &3 and moved to the &5 library. Recovery . . . : If the
replaced object is needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command
to move the object from the &5 library into another library. The
QRPLOBJ library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of a
primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next vary on
of the ASP device.
Sending program: QLIREINS, module: *N, procedure *N, statement: 02D1
Receiving program: QLIINSRT, module: *N, procedure *N, statement: 06B1 */
/* MCH3401 (*ESCAPE): Cannot resolve to object BAD_PGM. Type and Subtype
X'0201' Authority X'0000'.
Cause . . . . . : Either a system pointer or a data pointer can not be
resolved. For a system pointer, it can not be resolved to object &3,
type and subtype &1, authorization &4, because either the named object
was not in any context referred to or the correct object was located but
the user profile did not have the required authority. The object types
for some common type or subtype codes follow: -- 0190-Access group,
0201-Program, 0401-Library, -- 0701-Journal receiver, 0801-User profile,
0901-Journal, -- 0B90-Data space, 0C01-Directory, 0C90-Data space index,
-- 0E01-Job queue, 0E02-Output queue, 0E03-Message file, -- 0E0A-User
index, 0A01-Data queue, 1401-Class of service description -- 1501-Mode
description, 0E05-Session description, -- 1001-Device description,
1101-Line description, -- 1201-Controller description, 1901-File,
1902-Message queue, -- 1903-Job description, 1904-Class, 1905-Command,
1906-Table, -- 1908-Edit description, 1909-Subsystem description, --
190A-Data area, 190C-Graphic symbol set, 190D-Chart format, --
1911-Query definition, 1912-Folder, -- 1915-Panel group, 1916-Menu group
description, -- 1920-Data dictionary, 192D-Management collection, 19D0
Work control block table, -- 19D2-System value, 1B01-Process control
space, -- 1E01-Byte stream file, 1E03-Local socket, 1E06-Character
special file, -- 1E07-First-in first-out special file For a data
pointer, it can not be resolved because the named object is not located
within any program activation currently known to the process. Recovery
. . . : Either specify the correct object name or specify the correct
authority for the object.
Sending program: #mnrnrl, module: *N, procedure *N, statement: 000518
Receiving program: RUPLUGINT7, module: RUPLUGINT7, procedure
TEST_BADCALL, statement: 2400 */
/* CPI2121 (*INFO): Replaced object RUMODLIST type *USRSPC was moved to
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object &1 type *&4 from the &2 library was
renamed to &3 and moved to the &5 library. Recovery . . . : If the
replaced object is needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command
to move the object from the &5 library into another library. The
QRPLOBJ library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of a
primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next vary on
of the ASP device.
Sending program: QLIREINS, module: *N, procedure *N, statement: 02D1
Receiving program: QLIINSRT, module: *N, procedure *N, statement: 06B1 */
/* CPDA0FF (*COMP): ERROR. 1 test case, 0 assertion, 0 failure, 1 error.
Sending program: RURUNNER, module: PGMMSG, procedure sndCompMsg,
statement: 18300
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure CallProgram,
statement: 166 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QSYS/QWCRTVCA.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QSYS/QWCRTVCA.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QSYS/QWCRTVCA.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */
/* CPF5C61 (*INFO): Client request - run program QGY/QGYOLJBL.
Sending program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13
Receiving program: QZRCSRVS, module: QZRCRPC, procedure LogRpcMessage,
statement: 13 */

- Thomas.

Am 01.04.2019 um 20:01 schrieb Justin Taylor:
Would it be possible to fill in the placeholder variables in the messages? I'm not sure how useful it would be without them.

RPG procedure &1 in program &3/&2 received Java exception "&6" when calling method "&9" with signature "&10" in class "&8".

-----Original Message-----
From: Tools/400 [mailto:thomas.raddatz@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2019 4:40 PM
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] RPGUnit plugin & runtime errors

Hi Justin,

I uploaded iRPGUnit 2.5.0.b001 that has a new preference option "Capture job log". Feel free to give it a try. You can install the update from:


Or download a local update site from:




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