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Good morning, people,

I've been using RDi on the Mac for nearly a year now, and have a persistent timeout issue. It seems like about after about I think it's ten minutes, the RDi connection drops to the server. I use the RDi dropdown options to open up 5250 sessions, which on the Development box have seems like an hour or two before losing the connection.

I have checked through the RDi preferences lists and expanded within all the items that have relevant labels, far as I can tell, but cannot find any keepalive setting.

I shared this with my co-workers (many are also remote) and have told me how to fix it on the Windows laptop, but their solution is for a Windows 10 setting.

The one other developer who connects and works from his Mac has the same issue. He requested that they change the timeout for IP connections on the Development box to longer, it's set at 10 minutes. They said they weren't going to do that. But then all the other developers change the keepalive on their own Windows PC's.

I cannot find an equivalent setting on the Mac. I'm still on the High Sierra version of the OS. In searching a bunch of times on the Internet, all I find is a reference to having a bash script run on the Mac for keeping alive the connection to one's local WiFi!  Hunh?

Help? Jon Paris? I'm sure you have solved this issue. Anyone else?

Alan Cassidy

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