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At the risk of being a PITA, I think the expression "IBM i Access Client" is confusing as we go into the new regime.

IBM i Access for Windows is the old client - and we probably often call it by the name above.

IBM i Access Client Solutions is the new Java-based product - the names are SO close.

I think it'd be helpful to always include "Solutions" when talking about the new client - or use ACS.

Just being at work on a Friday, folks!


On 8/12/2016 2:43 PM, Robert Rogerson wrote:
Stuart, my limited understanding is that Run SQL Scripts in RDi now uses IBM i Access Client. So I think you must create another connection there. That way you can select different connections when in Run SQL Scripts. I think you're right that it isn't related to your list of RDi connections.


On 8/12/2016 10:28 AM, Stuart Rowe wrote:
I finally got around to trying to use this SQL script thing that only
appears if you open a SQLRPGLE member. I guess the way it is linked to the
source you are working on, that's valid.

Anyway I searched the RDi help text and the web to no avail to find out why
I can only connect to ONE system but found nothing specific to any
limitations. When I need to test a statement, it is *never* to my
development box, it's always targeting a test box where some valid data
exists so I can see if the statement works or not.

Anyone know how to get it to let me connect to other systems? I have a
connection defined (and connected) to another system but that one does not
appear in the list of systems available in the Run SQL Scripts tool. I
think it is not related to the RDi list of connections.

For now I use the old ugly one embedded in iSeries Navigator. It won't
even remember my font selections (sigh).

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