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Edmund, Eric,

Do you have any idea why the compile commands and the user actions don't
show up in the new workspace?

Joep Beckeringh
Pantheon Automatisering B.V.

K.R. Poststraat 101-2
8441 EN Heerenveen
T. 0513 657 357
F. 0513 654 695

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Joep Beckeringh <joep.beckeringh@xxxxxxxxxx>

09-02-2016 14:52

[WDSCI-L] Push to client - Compile options and user actions don't get

Last week I was experimenting with Push To Client; I noticed the
following strange behaviour:

After I exported my configuration I created a new workspace,
connected to the same server, got a prompt to accept the
configuration, accepted it and everything I expected to be there was
there; including a number of added compile options and user actions.

Then I went to a colleagues PC and created a new workspace,
connected to the same server and accepted the prompt. After that,
the connection and the filters were there, but only the default
compile options were there and no user actions. When I go to 'Work
with compile commands' I see the (only) filter pool is PTHPC096,
which is the name of my PC, where the export file was created.

Then I exported my configuration to a different location, mailed the
configuration file to my colleague and imported it on his PC. Same

Does anybody else export configurations and if so, do compile
commands and user actions come across?

Joep Beckeringh
Pantheon Automatisering b.v.

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