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I agree that you should be running your SQL through VE during development.

However, it's likely you should also be running it through VE on production
prior to actual deployment.

I've yet to work at a shop where the development system was the same size
as production; most times it doesn't even have all the data that production
has. Even if DVP was the same size and had the same data, the workloads
would be quite different.

Given the way the SQE works, something that performs well in DVP can go on
and perform poorly in PDN.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 8:41 AM, <MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

As for Visual Explain, I rarely let something go to production without
running it through visual explain. Authority would only be an issue in a
production environment.

<soapbox warning!>

Going to SQL doesn't change the requirements for a separate development
environment where programmers have authority to do anything needed to
fully test and optimize a system. It seems that some folks think SQL is a
substitute for it. I think such logic is foolish and lacking full thought.

</soapbox warning!>

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