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I think I understand what you mean and we do/can break larger projects into smaller (LM(i)) tasks. But one of the advantages we've found is that during development, by using a temporary ID (and setting up a separate library for that ID) is that while testing the temporary library can be added to the library list to only test the phase's specific modifications. In this way (for example) the first phase of a project can be tested without the chance of the test results being affected by the second phase's objects. If we used the same developer (and at least at our shop the developer and his/her library have a one-to-one relationship) this would not be possible without deleting the phase two objects first.

This is how we currently work and the reason we do it this way. But we have only been using LM(i) for six months so if you see a flaw in our thinking or know of a better way please share it.

On another note. I take it that you also use LM(i). One of the things that bugs me when creating an object is that I must switch back to the RSE perspective, select the object to create, and then create it (using right click, the LM(i) menu or the create object button). Most of the time when I'm editing use the IBM i Editing Perspective (from the SoftLanding plug-in). But when I want to create the object I have to switch back to the RSE perspective.
If I were doing a straight compile (outside LM(i)) then the editor knows the library/file(member) to compile and I don't need to switch perspectives. I would think that the LM(i) plug-in should be able to do the same.
Do you know of a way around this or must I just accept that this is how it works.


On 2014-01-17 8:51 AM, Charles Wilt wrote:

When I say task, I mean the Aldon task, ie. option 5 - Work with tasks,
from the main Aldon menu.

In the LM(i) RDi filter, task is one of the filter criteria you can use.


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Robert Rogerson <rrogerson@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:


I use RDi exclusively for development. For each task I create (or reuse
on old) LMi filter so for me there is never any confusion. But our
administrator uses the green screen and sometimes has difficulties which
specific objects are to be promoted for a developer..

You mention that

Aldon has tasks you can use to segregate filters

Are you referring to the green screen? The idea for temporary ids was
suggested to me by the administrator after Aldon suggested it to her.

Do you know of another way? (I don't mind looking it up in the manuals if
you can provide the keywords to search on).



On 2014-01-16 4:19 PM, Charles Wilt wrote:

Seems very strange to create temporary IDs...

Especially when you have both RDi and Aldon.

Aldon has tasks you can use to segregant filters and RDi (and the Aldon
plugin) have filters that you can use.


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Robert Rogerson <rrogerson@xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for the suggestion Charles. I (being an outside consultant) was
surprised that the production source files weren't locked down and only
editable if checked out and in the development environment. When I
mentioned this to the administrator she said that she would add this to
her list of things to do.

I will confirm this when the authorities have been changed. But I think
your suggestion will work. In order to break large projects down to
smaller tasks we create a temporary developer for only the task's
objects. So if you forget the change your developer id to the temporary
id and try to edit a member the member always opens in browse mode. I
think the same will happen when the authority to the production source
files is revoked.


On 2014-01-16 2:18 PM, Charles Wilt wrote:

I don't know...

However, you may want to consider removing your write access to the
production source files in which case RDi will offer to open them in
mode when you try to open them in edit.


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Robert Rogerson <

Hi folks, we use Aldon LMi for change management to when a member is
open to edit we always use the LMi connection.

But if just want to browse a member I'll typically use Ctl-Shft-A to
open the member. The default is to Open for Edit. Almost all the
I only want to browse so to select to Open for Browse is a couple
key strokes.

Searching the archives I found this thread
(http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l/200704/msg00372.html) from
(now there's a name from the past). Does anyone know if the
ever got added?


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