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Hi Kurt, I would be very interested in any responses. I work all the time through vpn and my RDi V9 sessions are constantly dropped if inactive for more than 10 to 15 minutes. I've gotten into the habit of stopping and starting RDi if I've been away from the session for a while. It's usually faster than trying to reconnect.

But I'd be very interested if anyone has a better solution.

On 2013-11-13 4:57 PM, Anderson, Kurt wrote:
I just made a move to the Boston area and am now telecommuting to work. I wasn't heavy into RDi today, and it seemed that every time I went back to it, it had timed out. I vaguely recall other complaints about RDi over VPN. Is there anything I can do to keep the connection open? I don't recall this ever happening to me when I would work from home on bad snow days, but it could be that I spent most of my day in RDi.


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