× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

In article <mailman.3410.1348541423.2683.wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...

Anyone using MMAIL commands in RDP 8.5 editor ?

When I use an MMAIL command (like EMLSTMF) in a CLLE source member in
RDP 8.5 and try to prompt the command with F4, it always fails with a
message "EVECL0001E: java.lang.NullPointerException"

Also, if I try to edit a CLLE member that contains a valid EMLSTMF
command, the editor will often include incorrect EVFCL0020
warnings/errors within the command. Regardless of these warnings/erros,
the member will still compile correctly.

So my question is, do I have a problem with my particular install or is
this a problem that others are experiencing as well.


Tony C

I found the problem, it's with RDP 8.5

The following cut down command (based on an MMAIL command) prompts
perfectly in RDP 8.5, however, once the lengths of name and email exceed
48 characters, the prompt in RDP fails.

As lots of MMAIL commands use this type of structure with lengths of 50
for name & email, so they all fail to prompt in RDP.


Here is the command the prompts ok :-
CMD PROMPT('E-mail simple message')
SPCVAL((*TO 0) (*CC 1) (*BCC 2))
QUAL TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(48) MIN(1) PROMPT('''name''')
QUAL TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(48) MIN(1) PROMPT('''e-mail +

increase name and email beyond 48 chars & it fails.


Tony C

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