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I kind of see the backwards compatibility as a blessing and a curse. It's
great things work, but it also leads to code that never really gets looked
because it just works. I've seen code out there just about as old as I am. A
lot of the code I end up having to working was written in the 80's and 90's.

James R. Perkins

2010/6/22 Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen <thunderaxiom@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I believe this is because the AS/400 users are in a later phase than the
initial Visual Basic users.

The original Visual Basic was great for creating a GUI program with quite a
lot of functionality. This GUI-program did not work when Visual Basic .NET
came out, causing many people to avoid upgrading or to migrate to another

AS/400 users are accustomed to backwards compatability and know that
programs - once written - can live for many, many years. Hence the strong
desire for a platform guaranteed to be available and useful after all those

Is that an unreasonable expectation not having to rewrite your whole
codebase every X years?

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