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Jerry Adams wrote:
I do not, however, hearing him or anyone at COMMON, when I talked about it with IBM at the Expo, saying anything about it being required for V6R1. Now it may be, that with V6R1 Query/400 is no longer available as a separate product, but that, I would think (no direct knowledge or links), would/should only apply to new systems being shipped with V6R1. That is, I would think that QU1 (Query/400) would run under V6R1 sans QU2 as long as one had a license key.

And, in any case, I would not think that QU2 would be required for V6R1. That is, if one had, say, Sequel, why would one want/need QU2?
The way I heard it was so convoluted that I had to put it out of my mind before my head exploded, but it went something like: to get the QU1 functionality you have to order QU2. The QU1 functionality is free, but the QU2 functionality comes with free support "for a while". You either buy QU2 support immediately, or you can buy it when the free period expires, but then you have to pay more for it. So it's "pay me now, or pay me *more* later". That's the part that really irked me.

Anyway, I finally got the impression that there was a way to order QU2, get QU1, and never have to pay for QU2. It would expire and you couldn't use it, but you could still use QU1. But who knows.


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