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I have never had to reboot a
400 because of a hangup.

I have. Several times, in fact, the first when it was still called the System/38. It's very rare, but it does happen from time to time. I've also been bitten by a number of OS/400 bugs over the years, a couple of them quite recently. If you haven't, you've been luckier than I have. I remember vividly the time that IBM Support told me that they didn't think my problem was worth fixing or even documenting 'because no one else would do that'. A year later, they realized that other people would be trying it, too, and finally published a statement that you couldn't reencapsulate an RPG program compiled on CPF Release 4.1 on a later release of CPF (or on OS/400, which was just about to be released) and expect it to work correctly in all cases.

It appears that I'm having better luck than you are with WDSCi, although my ride with it hasn't been perfectly smooth, either. Doesn't stop me from using it and advocating it, any more than the problems I've had with the /400 do. It does more than PDM/SEU/SDA/RLU/STRDBG, and it's being actively enhanced and they're not and haven't been in years. The platform it runs on isn't perfectly stable and neither is it, but in my opinion it's good enough and getting better. There is a learning curve and it does take patience, but it's worth it. Just my perspective, of course.

Dave Shaw
Mohawk Industries

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