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Anyone from IBM lab knows this problem? Any timeline to fix this bug? 

Robin Li 
Programmer Analyst
MicroAge Consulting, Sales and Technical Services
Bellamy Software Division
12040 - 149 Street
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T5V 1P2
P: (780) 489-5756
F: (780) 489-9539

----- Forwarded by Robin Li/EDMONTON/NORDAT on 09/27/05 11:05 AM -----

Leonardo Llames <llames@xxxxxxxxxx> 
09/22/05 02:29 PM


Re: Question about XML in WDSC


This is a known problem.  Development is working on fixing it.

Neither the RDB table to XML mapping, nor the SQL query to XML mapping,
work against DB2 UDB for iSeries.  Problem has been narrowed down to the
filtering code in that page of the wizard.  They'll inform me when fix is
expected or done.

No know workaround, although one possible approach that I'm trying out is
to generate the SQL DDL for the iSeries table, then create the same table
in DB2 UDB for Windows.  From there, I can generate the mapping.  I just
need to figure out what entries I need to edit afterwards, in order to use
the artifacts for deployment into DB2 UDB XML Extender on i5/OS.


Leonardo Llames
Certified Consulting I/T Specialist - Application Development
IBM Advanced Technical Support
Phone           +1 507 286 6560
IBM Tie Line 456 6560


             09/22/2005 10:07          Leonardo Llames/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS 

             AM                                                         cc 


                                       Question about XML in WDSC 

Good morning, Leonardo
As Ken told me, you are the XML guru.  I have searched help document in
WDSC and couldn't figure out what I did wrong during the process. Here is
the scope:
We want to compose a XML document based on tables on iSeries, so I did
1. Since we know what XML document look like, I use WDSC to compose an XML
2. Based on composed XML document, I generated DTD for the XML document.
3. Based on my understanding, I need a DAD for the XML document I'm 
on, before doing that, I need a RDB to XML mapping, the problem occurs 
I try to create a RDB to XML mapping, the following are screen shots for
the process:
(Embedded image moved to file: pic06475.gif)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic01740.gif)(Embedded image moved to file:

As you can see the last screen, there is RDB tables to chose from. So 
is no way I can create RDB to XML mapping. What I did is to create a data
definition in Data perspective and copy the data definition to my project
folder. I'm not sure why the data definition does not show up.

Any help is highly appreciated!


Robin Li
Programmer Analyst
MicroAge Consulting, Sales and Technical Services
Bellamy Software Division
12040 - 149 Street
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T5V 1P2
P: (780) 489-5756
F: (780) 489-9539

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