× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


instead of using


try to use


This will direct the output to the console. And this is what i do,
when i need debugging informations.


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: wdsc-plugin-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wdsc-plugin-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]Im Auftrag von Bailey Paul
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. August 2008 13:37
An: WDSC Plugin Developers
Betreff: [Wdsc-Plugin-Dev] Help with outputting debug info

Hi Guys,

I am really sorry to bother you all with this, but I am trying to extend
the EditISeriesMemberCommand class so that I can intercept the
filename/connection details. I'm not a great expert in Java (more a
novice) and I hope I am on the right track. However, when I am writing
this extension, I want debug details output to System.err or a log file,
but I can't seem to find the output anywhere.

Here is the code I am trying to use: (I stripped the JavaDoc comments
from this email, because I thought it would be fairly obvious what it is
doing... but if not, then let me know)
public class VEditISeriesMemberCommand extends EditISeriesMemberCommand

private static Logger logger =

public VEditISeriesMemberCommand() {

public boolean doCommand(LpexView lpexView,
String parameters) {
try {
FileHandler fh = new
FileHandler("c:\\mylog.txt", true);
// Send logger output to our FileHandler.
// Request that every detail gets logged.
// Log a simple INFO message.

logger.info(lpexView.query("sourceName") + "\n"
+ "-> " + lpexView.toString() +
+ "-> " + parameters);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error creating logfile");
return super.doCommand(lpexView, parameters);

public static boolean openMember(LpexView lpexView,
String parameters,
boolean browse) {
try {
FileHandler fh = new
FileHandler("c:\\mylog.txt", true);
// Send logger output to our FileHandler.
// Request that every detail gets logged.
// Log a simple INFO message.

logger.info(lpexView.query("sourceName") + "\n"
+ "-> " + lpexView.toString() +
+ "-> " + parameters + "\n"
+ "-> " + browse);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error creating logfile");
return EditISeriesMemberCommand.openMember(lpexView,
parameters, browse);

I've tried to use plain "mylog.txt" and "C:\\mylog.txt" in the
FileHandler constructor but can not find the output file in my workspace
or on my C: drive, and if I try to println all that info to System.err
then it just vanishes into the aether and I can't find that output
either (I was expecting it to go to the WDSC console view.)

How do *you* output debug information when you are writing
plugins/extensions for WDSC?

(I am using v7.0.0.6 with the included JRE and "Plug-In Dependencies")

Many thanks in advance,

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