× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

  • Subject: Justifying - Operations and Staffing
  • From: "Mark Faulhaber" <mfaulhaber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 12:50:12 -0400

My management is asking me how our staffing compares to other 
companies using System/21.  I've tried not to ask questions that are too 
"nosey".   If you can help me out by answering a few questions, it would be a 
big help.


My questions are:

1. Approximate Gross Revenue _________

2. Any System/21 supported beyond base __________________

3. Do you have significant systems other than System/21 _____________

4. How many people are devoted to "Computer Room Operations" ______

5. What shifts does your computer operations staff cover? ____________

6. How many people support your systems?  (Include helpdesk, managers, 
programmers and "computer people" located in Departments.) _________

7. What is the approximate spending on Consulting per year?.

To get things started:  Here's my information....

1. Approximate Gross Revenue _$300MM________

2. Any System/21 supported beyond base __Custom Raw matls 

3. Do you have significant systems other than System/21 _Yes HR and PC 

4. How many people are devoted to "Computer Room Operations"    

5. What shifts does your computer operations staff cover?
    __1 shift with people coming in early and staying late__________

6. How many people support your systems?  (Include helpdesk, managers, 
programmers and "computer people" located in Departments.) _7__

7. What is the approximate spending on Consulting per year?.

Mark A. Faulhaber
Director I/S
Griffin Industries
4221 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Ky 41076

Phone 859-572-2507
Fax 859-572-2575
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