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its actually working fine...

had to do with how we were testing.



On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 1:16 PM Jay Vaughn <jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx>

I have a table with 2 clob columns on the row.
both are 5242880 (5.2mb) in size...
A few other columns on the row - nothing notable in size.

I have a procedure that looks like this...
This saves one of the columns...
There is another procedure just like this that saves the other.
The code is the same in both.

// declared in copybook...
// dcl-s g_5000000 varchar(5000000) inz;
// dcl-s g_clob sqltype(clob:5242880) inz;

i_5000000 like(g_5000000) value;

g_clob_data = i_5000000;
g_clob_len = %len(%trimr(i_5000000));

exec sql
insert into myTable(myClob)
values (:g_clob);

When I test this to ensure spaces are not written and padded to the clob
column, I'm not seeing that my trims are preventing it.

clear table
I run one transaction that inserts 2 rows into the table
(so 2 rows = 4 clob columns populated)
divide table size by row count?

I'm seeing
table size = 17436672
row count = 2

which comes to around 8mb per row

Why is it storing so much???
My clob contents (actual data) is less than 2048 chars each.



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