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On 5/29/20 3:03 PM, Charles Wilt wrote:
Hey, I'm on [Stack Overflow]...

As is our favorite compiler developer...

I've seen others...

As it happens, I also regularly use several of the Stack Exchange forums, including not only "Stack Overflow," but also "Ask Different," "Server Fault," "Space Exploration," "Super User," "Unix & Linux," "Database Administrators," and I vaguely recall using "English Language and Usage" at some point.

And I also regularly do copy-and-paste, usually with my own code. It can come back to bite me if I miss something that should have been altered when repurposing the code, but it also means I'm using tested code, and I'm not re-inventing any wheels.

On 5/29/20 3:56 PM, Vlad Korge wrote:
The key word here is "museum", unfortunately.

Uh, San Francisco's Exploratorium and California Academy of Sciences are museums. So are the California Science Center, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and the Page Museum, all in Los Angeles. So is Seattle's Pacific Science Center, Boston's Museum of Science, Portland Oregon's OMSI, San Jose's Tech, and Santa Barbara's MOXI. And they all attract children, teens, and young adults in droves, because they all have active, participatory experiences that make their respective subjects fun. The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry (the biggest of Chicago's "Big Three") isn't just a museum; it's a theme park for geeks!

As to the IPM, well, the legacy that endowed it was very specific in its decree that we be a *working museum.* And so we are not merely a series of static displays; as much of the vintage equipment we exhibit as possible is kept in working order. There are many places where you can go to see a Linotype machine on static display. There are even some where you can see one "dry-cycled" as a demonstration. We have two in working order, and on any given weekend (when we're not shut down for COVID-19) one of them is hot and casting, and you can walk away with a slug that was cast while you watch, and a still-wet souvenir card you helped print.


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