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Consider using the IWS wizard and setting up for REST web services?  Ignore the SOAP pieces and use the REST.

I am a novice at it but it does what you are asking for, without YAJL.  Much simpler on the RPG end; and the server setup is 10 minutes (once you see how it is set up).

The wizard interview messed me up but it is pretty straight forward.

On 2/13/2019 3:08 PM, Jay Vaughn wrote:
and ultimately what I'm really wanting to do here to get back to how I used
to process these backend YAJL rpg pgms is...

create/configure my HTTP server to accept a program with 2 parms...

d jsonOBJ s 65535 varying

d myPgm pi
d jsonINP like(jsonOBJ)
d jsonOUT like(jsonOBJ)

Can someone help me with that?


On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 3:42 PM Jay Vaughn <jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx>

I'm setting out to establish a POC for our company using SK's guide at


I have the http server created and running.
I have YAJL deployed to the i.
I have YAJLCALLR compiled into YAJLREST lib.

I'm trying to logically progress down the path in small steps so I can
understand the moving pieces.

When I invoke from the browser... http://ourSystem:port/rest/YAJLCALLR I
would expect to at least see the *pgm object of YAJLCALLR last used date
set to today instead of remaining blank?

I'm at a loss (early in the game unfortunately) as to what I'm missing.
The good news is that I have written many YAJL rpg pgms at another
employer who had already had the endpoint setup - though slightly different
than what Scott shows in his guide.

So if I can just get over this initial configuration hump, I'm thinking I
should be home free.

Any help would be appreciated,


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