× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


"Descriptor not valid" is error code EBADF.  This code usually means that you passed a bad descriptor as input to a function. for example, if open() had returned the number 5, and you called write() and passed the number 6, you'd get this error (assuming 6 had not been opened elsewhere).    Since the open() API does not take a descriptor as input, it does not normally return this error.

This makes me think that there is some memory corruption going on in your program.  Most likely not in the code you posted, but somewhere else...     Check all of the parameters to be sure they callers always pass the same length (or greater) when calling your programs/subprocedures -- this is the most common cause. If you're using pointer logic, make sure you're using it correctly.

I also noticed what appear to be some linefeeds in the path name. Perhaps something is going wrong there?


On 9/12/2018 2:02 PM, Marvin Radding wrote:
Here is the error message:

open file:
041.dat Descriptor not valid.

And here is the code:

p open_file b
d open_file pi n
d path 254a
d filepath s 256a
d filehandle s 10i 0 inz
filepath = %trim(path) + x'00';
filehandle = open(filepath:O_RDONLY + O_TEXTDATA);
if filehandle <= *zero;
die('open file: ' + %trim(path) + ' ' + %str(strerror(errno)));
return *on;
return *off;
return *on;
p open_file e

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