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I just remembered that RDi has "Animated Step Into", so that part is
already built in. Just needs to capture and output the lines executed.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 11:48 AM, Dan <dan27649@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Google was not my friend on CRTRPGPRF or PRTRPGPRF. Would you by chance
have a copy of this?

WRT RFE 81063: This is surprising. I've never used code coverage, but I
thought it would have already had this information. So, it just shows
whether a statement was ever executed, yes or no?

I wonder if we shifted the focus from code coverage to the debugger.
Essentially, what I would ask in an RFE is to have an option where the
debugger would simply "step through" every line of code, capturing the line
number (bonus: + code) and outputting it to a text file, without the user
having to use F5 at all. I mean, we know the information is right there,
since the debugger is showing it. That doesn't exactly give you what RFE
81063 is asking for, but you could get that summary information from the
detail I am requesting.

While I would agree that RFE 81064 has merit and there have been times I
would have liked this information, that seems like a tougher nut to crack
and seems to be outside the scope of what the debugger / code coverage is
designed to accomplish.

- Dan

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Tyler, Matt <matt.tyler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

There was a command set named CRTRPGPRF/PRTRPGPRF. It was written for
RPG/400 code; it might be worth updating to newer code syntax. This
command adds counter lines to your code to mark executable code lines and
then prints out the source and the amount of executions per line.

It's very similar in the end to code coverage but it will create a
modified version of your code.

Or you could re-add these RFE's that IBM decided to decline.


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