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"RPG400-L" <rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 07/19/2018 09:29:29
I have an interesting question. (very new dev here) Let's say my
display file has a output field named Qty. In fixed format, the
program declares a standalone variable Qty and sets the message. The
display file shows the message when I run the program.

P GetHazmat B
D Qty S 40 Inz('G = Gallon, GP = 5 Gallon Pail')

However, if I try to do the same in free format, the message will
not display. I assume because the Qty variable is being created
again? But then why does it work fixed format? I know to solve the
issue is just to not declare it again as a standalone in free
format, but that doesn't solve my curiosity. Does anyone have some

Dcl-proc GetHazmat;
Dcl-S Qty Char(40) Inz('G = Gallon, GP = 5 Gallon Pail');

I believe the answer has more to do with how you define the
workstation file and associated record formats than with how you define
the standalone variable. Show your F-spec and DCL-F statement and any
declarations that reference the record formats between the two versions of
the program.


Dave Clark

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