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The copy/paste lost a part:

"The value generated for a row change timestamp column is a timestamp
corresponding to the time of the insert or update of the row. If multiple
rows are inserted with a single SQL statement, the value for the row change
timestamp column may be different for each row to reflect when each row was
inserted. The generated value is not guaranteed to be unique."


2017-12-28 16:31 GMT+01:00 Arco Simonse <arco400@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Dieter,

The row change timestamp is a TIMESTAMP(6) type, and is not guaranteed to
be unique. That is from the SQL reference:

"For an identity column or row change timestamp column, the database
manager inserts or updates a specified value but does not verify that it is
a unique value for the column unless the identity column or row change
timestamp column has a unique constraint or a unique index that solely
specifies the identity column or row change timestamp column."


2017-12-28 16:14 GMT+01:00 D*B <dieter.bender@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

... interesting debate, if I understand the FM correctly, the ROW change
token might change, without the current row has changed, so I would not
recommend to use it. regarding the row change timestamps, I don't find the
finite information, wether it is documented unique, or maybe most likely
(that would not be enough to me). The problem I have with both variants is,
that both possibilities are tied to the physical layer of the database and
doing some normalisation or denormalisation could break rules. A specific
(user programmed) solution could be based on the view layer and would be
better (IMHO)


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