× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Broad topic,  I couldn't narrow it down because I do not understand the issue(s) well enough.  Thank you for your understanding.

OK, Lots of talk on the list about moving from green screen to GUI.  I've made some claims which, upon inspection, I can't back up.  I suspect the problem is me, not the iSeries.  Hence this thread.

As a proof-of-concept I wrote a series of regular green screen programs to read/add/update a file of U.S. presidents and a few details of their lives.  If you are interested, the series can be seen at US Presidents <http://www.martinvt.com/SQL_-simple-/SQL_Simple_Subfile/sql_simple_subfile.html>  ( iSeries)  Its fairly simple and straight forward, designed to be a step beyond Hello World but no farther.

Then I created a web page using the same data, with the intention of proving I could do on an iSeries what I can do on any web server.  Here is that web page - US Presidents <http://ventures.martinvt.com/>

So now I have both ends of the problem.  Its the middle I do not have.  Currently, the version that runs on the iSeries web server has the data in the IFS, and I can refresh that data from a web page whenever  I ask.

However I can not  get the data directly from the iSeries library, which is, to my mind, the crux of the matter.

I can provide a rundown of ways that don't work but thats boring.  Hence this post:  What does work?  I would like to go back as far as V5R4 if possible but at this point I'll follow any path.

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