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Here is a link to an article about Townsend Security licensing an ROA
handler that maps RPG RLA to SQL.


I recall discussing this a little with Vern Hamberg a while back on this
list. Your ROA plans may be reinventing the wheel, so to speak, if you're
writing an ROA handler in order to facilitate FIELDPROC encoding and
decoding, per our discussion on LinkedIn.

I seem to recall Vern saying something about mapping RLA to SQL via ROA as
opening a can of worms, or getting tangled up in a mess, or something like

One alternative that I've considered was using ROA to map RLA to the C
functions exported from the QC2IO service program, rather than trying to
map RLA to SQL. The handler could automate the FIELDPROC encoding for
positioning and reading by key, etc.

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Jay Vaughn <jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx>

I'm developing a handler pgm to replicate RLA to SQL - i'm using the
namesValues method...

so my dynamic capabilities paired with the I/O ds's that rpg passes to the
handler pgm have allowed me to build the sql statement you are seeing.

I NOW, within that pgm (that is clueless to what file or field I'm banging
on), need to assign values from the row that select statement generated
into the data structures to pass back to my rpg handler pgm.

Hopefully you have a better picture of canvas now...but the question still
reverts back to my last post and question.

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