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It is very hard to find a measure for "best" that every body will accept.

Our team develops all IBM i applications using RPG, coupled with CGIDEV2 it is easy to use, fast to program, modular, easy to test, very fast response, easy to maintain, reliable.

When using APIs we adapt the samples from other languages quite easy. True, is is hard to begin, it takes practice to get some experience.

There are lots of people that learn only one thing and then they "saturated" their capacity to learn.

On 07/03/2017 11:58 AM, Buck Calabro wrote:
On 7/3/2017 11:19 AM, Bradley Stone wrote:
On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 9:26 AM, Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
3) RPG is not the strongest language on any platform (including IBM i)
to write a web app. [1]
[1] Write a web app in RPG that uses your state's GIS web service and
the Google Maps API to map the hilltops in your county higher than a
user-selectable elevation. Good luck, pioneer! How easy is it to use a
language which has no examples?
Similar example of that here:
Nice. Even better (ie more business-related) than my contrived example.

Yes, it uses jQuery, but that should be standard on any web app these days.

RPG with a nice toolkit like CGIDEV2 or eRPG SDK is a great web
application tool, especially if your data is on an IBM i.
Does this make RPG the strongest web dev language?

Fewer examples.
Spartan documentation.
Few tutorials.

Don't get me wrong: I love RPG and always will. I'm not dismissing RPG
as unsuitable for web work. But from my own personal experience, I have
never, not once, seen a team of people who were life long web developers
choose RPG as their go-to language, and all of my data has always been
on IBM i.

Is there an element of 'use what ya know?' Absolutely. The question
then is this: If RPG were easier / more flexible to use than say .NET
or PHP for web apps, why don't web teams switch?

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