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Try recompiling the second program.

I've seen this behaviour a few times, it likely has something to do with a difference between the object version and what you see in debug.
(probably F22 would work on an other line, just before or after where you see the CALL statement)


----- Original Message ----
From: Jonathan Mason
Sent: Tue, 01 Mar 2011 15:13
Subject: ILE Debugger and OPM Programs

Hi All

A colleague of mine is having an issue trying to debug an OPM program
using the ILE Debugger and it has us both completely stumped.

He has set the debugger to start debugging at the first program in his
process and is then using F22 to step into each program as he reaches
them. For the second program this worked fine, but for the third
program the debugger just jumps straight to the next line of the current
program rather than stepping into program three.

All of the programs are OPM (generated by Synon/2e) and he is using the
STRDBG command with OPMSRC(*YES) specified. Each of the programs has
been recompiled into a testing library with the *SRCDBG option set so
the debugger should pick it up.

In fact if he presses F14 within the source display and adds the third
program to the list of programs he can display the source and add
breakpoints. However the source doesn't get entered into.

The call to program three does carry an error indicator (*IN90) which is
off when the next line is reached, also the default Synon return code
for the called program is blank indicating successful completion.

The correct version of Program Three is at the top of the library list,
but we can't see any reason why the debugger would appear to step over
the program call. When F10 (or F22) is pressed to step into the third
program the display does jump back to the *ENTRY parameter list of the
second program before another F10 moves it back to the line after the

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

All the best


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