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Here's my dilemma. I basically have 2 requirements:

1) As described, the movement of the selected record to the top of the page, essentially a position-to.

2) The default type of behavior from SFLRCDNBR, namely the display of the proper page with the cursor positioned at that record.

Is it possible to have both behaviors using the SFL keywords or do I have to pick one and program around the other?


At 2/13/2011 11:16 AM, you wrote:
On 2/12/2011 11:20 PM, M. Lazarus wrote:
> Booth,
> I'm not sure what you mean by "Just do your subfile loop again,
> with no load." It's a load-all subfile, so all the records are
> loaded. I just want, for example, for SflRRN #4 to be displayed on
> the first line of the screen.
> As far as using the mouse and scroll bars are concerned,
> unfortunately support for that is emulator dependent. In this case,
> we need to be avoid using a feature that depends on "special" support
> from an emulator.
> The functionality I'm looking for is similar to a full screen line
> editor, like SEU. So if I want to copy a line, I would put a "C" in
> the subfile option source field and an "A" on the line I want the
> copied line to follow. I want full control of which page displays
> after the copy and where I want the cursor to end up.
> -mark

I think what Booth meant (although I don't want to put words into his
mouth) is that you just have to do your EXFMT again and then do your
READC loop (or however you process your subfile).

Here's the thing: once you decide you need to change the top record,
simply set the value of the SFLRCDNBR field and then perform the EXFMT.
Should work like a champ. I do it all the time.


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