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There doesn't seem to be any standard. I can usually only figure it
out by context (ie "we'll meet at 12:00 AM for lunch).


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Rory Hewitt <rory.hewitt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Some pedant is going to point out that there is really no such thing as
12:00AM (or indeed, 12:00PM) - there's simply 12:00 midday and 12:00
midnight (or their 24-hour-clock equivalents). That pedant will be me, on
this occasion... :)

It's also true that even when talking about e.g. midnight, where most
Americans might (incorrectly, as I point out above) say 12:00AM, some other
cultures would refer to it (also incorrectly) as 12:00PM. So many potential
problems, so little time...


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Kurt Anderson <kurt.anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How is it that the *USA version of midnight is 00:00 AM and not 12:00 AM?
 Do digital clocks in the U.S. display 00:00 AM?  I know stopwatches will
display 00:00 at the start.

Little did I know, 12:00 AM is the *hival version of the date, which
results in an *ISO time value of 24.00.00, which isn't a valid time value.
 Got burned by this.  My own fault, I know, for not verifying to see if
12:00 AM was actually midnight.

End result, when displaying time in *USA, it will be in the USA format
 1439/1440 of the time.

This on top of a long day.

Kurt Anderson
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
CustomCall Data Systems

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