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Isn't managing your own signature (almost) the equivalent of doing LVLCHK(*NO)? If you change the export sequence or add/delete one in the middle, there's no protection from using an version, if you forget to manually change the signature!

Why does this technique seem to be the preferred method? It might be nice to see a version in the export, but there are other ways to accomplish that (put it in the copyright statement or in the object description) without losing the signature protection.


At 10/9/09 07:29 PM, you wrote:
I don't change the version number unless I do something unusual, like
remove an exported procedure. (IOW, The version number is just the
version of the signature, not the version of the product.)

I was not referring to IBM generating the signature *for*you*, I was
specifically replying to what Vern said.

Vern was noting that IBM does this:


I was suggesting that this is better:

STRPGMEXP SIGNATURE('srvpgmname 01.00')

Because you can (if you want to) CHOOSE to break compatibility when you
want to introduce an incompatible feature.

You, on the other hand, are talking about coding

-and so on for every previous version-

That's a whole different discussion, which we can have (for the
umpteenth time) if you want... but I wanted to be clear that wasn't what
I was referring to in my previous message.

Kurt Anderson wrote:
> If you retained the old signatures within the binder source and
> didn't make a change that required them to recompile the programs as
> well (e.g. a parameter change to an existing procedure), then there's
> no need to make them recompile to use the new version number.

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