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You don't need DFTACTGRP(*NO).

What you're missing is EXTPGM on the prototype.

D Main PR extpgm('MYPGM')
D 8A

Also, you don't want the P-spec, just the D-spec procedure interface.

* Begin Mainline
* Note the following PI and it's corresponding prototype
* replace the *ENTRY PLIST specs
D Main PI
D MyParm 8A


-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pete Helgren
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 11:41 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: Plain old RPGLE program in /Free

I was feeling pretty comfortable with my transition from
RPGIII to RPGLE and /free until I needed to write a program
from scratch that wasn't using *ENTRY to pass parms to the
program. I must not understand the differences between the
way RPGIII passed parameters and the way RPGLE operates.

What I have been doing (cheating) was to have a short,
initial non-free calculation section like this:


What I want to do is to do it "correctly". So after poking
around the Internet I thought I came up with the solution:

D Main PR
D 8A
D*Main Procedure
P Main B
D MyParm 8A
// Body of the program here

It wouldn't compile until I used dftactgrp(*no)
actgrp(*caller) on the H specs.

Although it compiles, when I run it in debug mode, the
program is invoked but "hangs" at the command line, it never
progresses to the first statement of the program which is
where I have my breakpoint set.

So the question is: What is the correct way to write a
simple program in RPGLE that takes parameters? What do I do
with the *ENTRY PLIST method of passing parameters? I could
go back to using the *ENTRY PLIST approach but I'd like to
use the "correct" way, if there is such a thing...


Pete Helgren

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