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Thanks for the explanation. I knew you could set the size and page values for a subfile to the same, just never saw any reason to do that. Which explains my lack of experience in this area.

Obviously, in a, say, 10 x 10 situation, one would have to do some extra "stuff". Though if Sunny really wants to page up and down, as he said (or I heard), it would be easier with say a 10 x 11 definition for the subfile. I mean, I can see a 10 x 10 if one wanted to process the current subfile options and be done with it, but not if one wants to do paging. Maybe there's an advantage to this in some situations that I just never encountered.


        * Jerry C. Adams
*IBM System i Programmer/Analyst
B&W Wholesale Distributors, Inc.* *
        jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Michael_Schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Jerry, a page-at-a-time subfile is controlled by the program and not by the
subfile.  The max number of records in the subfile would only be whatever
you set it be (lets say 10).  Not really sure how I could explain this

In order to load the next page, you (well we do) would have to clear the
subfile and write out 10 new records.   Thus causing the option column to
be cleared and lost if not processed before going to the next page.

I'd imagine that you could write the first 10 records, wait for the page
down to be pressed, the program will then load the next 10 records.  Now
the subfile will handle the page down until the end of subfile is reached.
If at the end of the subfile and page down is pressed again, control will
be passed to the program and the next 10 records could be loaded.  Now you
have three pages loaded in the subfile.

But I don't see this as a page-at-a-time subfile. But more like a subfile
that grows with you. However, it would do what you just explained, allowing
you to press page up and page down without losing the option column.  I
hope that was clear.

Now if there's some other way to keep that data, I'm all ears. :-)...

Michael Schutte
Work 614-492-7419
email  michael_schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Jerry Adams <jerry@bwwholesal e.com> To Sent by: RPG programming on the AS400 / rpg400-l-bounces@ iSeries <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> midrange.com cc Subject 04/18/2006 02:24 Re: prob in subfile... PM Please respond to RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries <rpg400-l@midrang e.com>

Well, I'm confused as to the actual requirement.  I use both
page-at-a-time and load-all subfiles with option/select columns.  Type
and option (such as '2' or '4') on the subfile line, press PageDown /
PageUp to my heart's content, and the previously entered options are
still there until the /Enter/ key is pressed to process the options.

No special coding.  The option field is in the subfile format and is
defined as type 'B' (input/output).  The program doesn't even do
anything (other than load the next page stuff) until the /Enter/ key is
pressed.  Admittedly I am using RPG IV, not RPG/400, but the process is
the same in both cases.

So, somewhere I'm guessing that the requirement is (to me, anyway)

            * Jerry C. Adams
*IBM System i Programmer/Analyst
B&W Wholesale Distributors, Inc.* *
            jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Michael_Schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

What do you mean by single page subfile?  Are you doing a load at once
subfile or page at a time subfile.  If doing a page at a time, why not
process the option field before loading the next page.  If you do a load
once subfile, the values will be saved.

Michael Schutte
Work 614-492-7419
email  michael_schutte@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I think you just need to make sure that this options field keeps the
entered value there as they scroll.

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of sunny singh
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:43 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: prob in subfile...

hi  all. i am using a single page subfile , as the first screen in which
the user can key in option 4,  and can select multiple  records on all
by page down and page up..
now i want to know that weather is it possible '''
that the options are visible doing page up and page down.....
in a single page subfile......(rpg 4000)
if possible how..
have a nice day..

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